cometspy package
cometspy.comets module
The comets module runs COMETS simulations and stores output.
Generally, a comets object is created just before calling run(). Afterwards, any saved data (e.g. total_biomass) can be accessed from the object.
- class cometspy.comets.comets(layout, parameters, relative_dir: str = '')
the main simulation object to run COMETS
The comets class stores a previously-made layout and params, and interacts with COMETS to run the simulation. It also stores any generated output, which could include total_biomass, biomass, media, or fluxes, as set in the params object. std_out from the COMETS simulation is saved in the attribute run_output and can be useful to examine to debug errors.
When creating a comets object, the optional relative_dir path is useful when one is to run multiple simulations simultaneously, otherwise temporary files may overwrite each other.
- layoutlayout
a cometspy.layout containing models and media information
- parametersparams
a cometspy.params containing specified simulation parameters
- relative_dirstr, optional
a directory to place temporary simulation files.
- layoutcometspy.layout
the layout containing cometspy.model[s] and media information
- paramscometspy.params
the params containing simulation and default biological parameters
- working_dirstr
the directory at which to save temporary sim files
the directory where GUROBI exists on the system
the directory where COMETS exists on the system
the version of comets, read from the files at COMETS_HOME
- classpath_piecesdict
classpath separated into library name (key) and location (value)
a generated (overwritable) string containing the java classpath
- run_outputstr
generated object containing text from COMETS sim’s std_out
- run_errorsstr
generated object containing text from COMETS sim’s std_err
- total_biomasspandas.DataFrame
generated object containing total biomass from simulation
- biomasspandas.DataFrame
generated object containing spatially-explicit biomass from sim
- specific_mediapandas.DataFrame
generated object containing information on selected media from sim
- mediapandas.Dataframe
generated object containing spatially-explicit media from sim
- fluxes_by_speciesdict{model_idpandas.DataFrame}
generated object containing each species’ spatial-explicit fluxes
- genotypespandas.DataFrame
generated object containing genotypes if an evolution sim was run
>>> # assume layout and params have already been created >>> # and cometspy was imported as c >>> sim = c.comets(layout, params) >>> # this could take from seconds to hours >>> print(sim.run_output) # to see the std_out >>> sim.total_biomass.plot(x = "cycle") >>> # assume params.all_params["writeBiomassLog"] == True, and that >>> # params.all_params["BiomassLogRate"] = 1000, and that >>> # params.all_params["maxCycles"] = 5000 >>> im = sim.get_biomass_image(layout.models[0].id, 4000) >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> plt.imshow(im / np.max(im))
- get_biomass_image(model_id: str, cycle: int) array
returns an image of biomass concentrations at a given cycle
This will only work if biomass was saved at the current cycle. This requires the following parameters to have been set: >>> params.set_param(“writeBiomassLog”,True) >>> params.set_param(“BiomassLogRate”, n) # n is in cycles
- model_idstr
the id of the model to get biomass data on
- cycleint
the cycle to get the biomass data
A 2d numpy array which can be visualized like an image.
>>> >>> # assume sim.params.all_params["BiomassLogRate"] = 100 and that >>> # sim.params.all_params["maxCycles"] = 1000 >>> im = sim.get_biomass_image("iJO1366", 500) # e.g. the ecoli model >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # may need to be installed >>> plt.imshow(im)
- get_flux_image(model_id: str, reaction_id: str, cycle: int) array
returns a 2d numpy array showing fluxes at a given cycle
This will only work if flux was saved at the current cycle. This requires the following parameters to have been set:
params.set_param(“writeFluxLog”,True) params.set_param(“FluxLogRate”, n) # n is in cycles
- model_idstr
the id of the model about which to get fluxes
- reaction_idstr
the id of the reaction about which to get fluxes
- cycleint
the cycle at which to get fluxes
a 2d numpy array which can be visualized like an image
>>> >>> # assume sim.params.all_params["FluxLogRate"] = 100 and that >>> # sim.params.all_params["maxCycles"] = 1000 >>> # assume a model used was iJO1366 >>> im = sim.get_flux_image("iJO1366", "EX_ac_e", 500) >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # may need to be installed >>> plt.imshow(im)
- get_metabolite_image(met: str, cycle: int) array
returns an image of metabolite concentrations at a given cycle
This will only work if media was saved at the current cycle. This requires the following parameters to have been set:
params.set_param(“writeMediaLog”,True) params.set_param(“MediaLogRate”, n) # n is in cycles
There may be a bug where cycles are + 1 what they should be. We will fix this soon but for now be aware you may need to +1 your desired cycle. The bug does not affect anything within the simulation.
- metstr
the name of the metabolite
- cycleint
the cycle to get the metabolite data
A 2d numpy array which can be visualized like an image.
>>> >>> # assume sim.params.all_params["MediaLogRate"] = 100 and that >>> # sim.params.all_params["maxCycles"] = 1000 >>> im = sim.get_metabolite_image("ac_e", 500) >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # may need to be installed >>> plt.imshow(im)
- get_metabolite_time_series(upper_threshold: float = 1000.0) DataFrame
returns a pandas DataFrame containing extracellular metabolite time series
- upper_thresholdfloat (optional)
metabolites ever above this are not returned
- get_species_exchange_fluxes(model_id: str, threshold: float = 0.0) DataFrame
returns a pandas DataFrame containing one model’s exchange flux time series
- model_idstr
id of the model
- thresholdfloat (optional)
abs(flux) must exceed this to be returned
- run(delete_files: bool = True)
run a COMETS simulation
This runs the COMETS simulation specified by the layout and params objects supplied to this comets object. It creates the files needed for COMETS into the current directory or the optional one specified when this object was created.
Once complete (or if an error has occurred), this tries to read simulation logs including data, as well as the std_out in the run_output attribute.
If the optional delete_files is set to False, then temporary files and data log files are not deleted. They are deleted by default.
- delete_filesbool, optional
Whether to delete simulation and log files. The default is True.
>>> sim = c.comets(layout, params) >>> = True) >>> print(sim.run_output) >>> print(sim.total_biomass)
- set_classpath(libraryname: str, path: str)
sets the full path to a required specified java library
This can be used to set non-default classpaths. Note that currently, it does not work for windows, because windows runs COMETS slightly differently than Unix.
- librarynamestr
the library for which the new path is being supplied.
- pathstr
the full path, including file name, to the library
>>> sim = c.comets(layout, params) >>> sim.set_classpath("jmatio", "/opt/jmatio/jmatio.jar")
cometspy.layout module
- class cometspy.layout.layout(input_obj: list = None)
object containing model and environmental definitions for a COMETS sim.
The layout object is an essential object needed to start a comets simulation, along with a params object. For a simulation to run, the layout must contain model(s). Typically, the layout will be created after creating models, and these models will be given in a list during layout creation. Subsequently, methods like set_specific_metabolite() will be used to create environmental media definitions. Additionally, spatial information can be assigned, such as the spatial dimensions in lattice units (layout.grid), spatial barriers, etc.
- input_objlist(cometspy.model) or str, optional
either a list of cometspy models, or a path to a previously-written COMETS layout to load.
>>> import cometspy as c >>> import cobra.test >>> e_cobra = cobra.test.create_test_model('textbook') >>> e = c.model(e_cobra) >>> e.open_exchanges() >>> l = c.layout([e]) >>> # use the media from the textbook in the COMETS media >>> for key in e_cobra.medium.keys(): >>> l.set_specific_metabolite(key[3:], 10.) >>> l.display_current_media()
- modelslist(cometspy.model)
a list of cometspy models. do not modify directly. use add_model()
- gridlist of size two
the number of boxes in the x and y direction. default = [1, 1]
- mediapandas.DataFrame
info on met initial values and diffusion. see set_specific_metabolite
- refreshlist
info on met added per time. see set_specific_refresh
- local_mediadict
info on spatial-explicit media. see set_specific_metabolite_at_location
- local_refreshdict
info on met added per time to loc. see set_specific_refresh_at_location
- local_staticdict
info on constant met value at loc. see set_specific_static_at_location
- default_diff_cfloat
the baseline diffusion constant for all metabolites
- barrierslist(tuple)
list of impenetrable locations. see add_barriers
- region_mapnumpy.array or None
integer array specifying regions. see set_region_map
- region_parametersdict
region-specific default diffusion params. see set_region_parameters
- reactionslist
list of extracellular reactions. see add_external_reaction
- periodic_medialist
list of media undergoing periodic cycles. see set_global_periodic_media
- add_barriers(barriers: list)
adds impenetrable barriers to the layout at specified locations
Barriers can be used in COMETS to create impenetrable spatial locations, for example to simulate rocks or to make a rounded simulation. Neither biomass nor metabolites can diffuse through barriers.
In COMETS, locations are zero-ordered.
- barrierslist(tuple)
A list containing tuples of integers of x,y locations.
>>> # make a diagonal line of barriers >>> l = c.layout([model1, model2]) # assumes model1,2 are made >>> l.grid = [5,5] >>> l.add_barriers([(0,0),(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4)])
- add_external_reaction(rxnName: str, metabolites: list, stoichiometry: list, **kwargs)
adds an extracellular reaction to the layout
External reactions are reactions not tied to a growing (living) model. They have rates defined in certain kwargs. There is no enyme concentration; it is assumed fixed.
- rxnNamestr
name of the external reaction
- metaboliteslist(str)
list of metabolite names (strs)
- stoichiometrylist(float)
stoichiometry of the metabolites. must be same order as metabolites
- kwargs[‘Kcat’ or ‘Km’ or ‘K’]
rate parameters. Either Kcat and Km, or K must be set.
>>> # set an external reaction that converts lactose into glucose + gal >>> # assumes import cometspy as c and a model called m has been made >>> rxn_name = 'lactase' >>> metabolites = ['lcts_e', 'glc__D_e', 'gal_e'] >>> stoichiometry = [-1., 1., 1.] >>> K = 0.2 # mmol / hr >>> l = c.layout([m]) # m is a cometspy.model that has exchanges for the mets above >>> l.add_external_reaction(rxn_name, metabolites, stoichiometry, K = K)
- add_model(model)
add a cometspy model to this layout
This is the preferred way to add models to existing layout.
- modelcometspy.model
a cometspy.model with an initial_pop
>>> import cobra.test >>> import cometspy as c >>> layout = c.layout() >>> ecoli = cobra.test.create_test_model("ecoli") >>> salmonella = cobra.test.create_test_model("salmonella") >>> ecoli = c.model(ecoli) >>> salmonella = c.model(salmonella) >>> ecoli.open_exchanges() >>> salmonella.open_exchanges() >>> ecoli.initial_pop = [0, 0, 1.e-7] >>> salmonella.initial_pop = [0, 0, 1.e-7] >>> layout.add_model(ecoli) >>> layout.add_model(salmonella)
- add_typical_trace_metabolites(amount: float = 1000.0, static: bool = True)
adds common BIGG-style metabolites to the environment. This only works if your models use metabolites which are formatted like ‘ca2_e’ and then should still only be used as a starting point.
- amountfloat, optional
the amount, in mmol, of these metabolites. Default is 1000.0.
- staticbool, optional
The default is True. If false, these metabolites are depletable.
- delete_model_files(working_dir)
deletes model files in specified directory
- display_current_media()
a utility function to show current non-zero media amounts
- get_model_ids() list
returns a list of the ids of the models in this layout.
- read_comets_layout(input_obj: str)
load a comets layout from a file
If a COMETS layout file has been previously made, this function can load that file into the current cometspy layout object.
This is an unusual way of working with cometspy with rare uses.
- input_objstr
the path to the existing COMETS layout file to be loaded
- set_global_periodic_media(metabolite: str, function: str, amplitude: float, period: float, phase: float, offset: float)
set cyclical changes in extracellular nutrient environment
- metabolitestr
name of the metabolite under a cycle
- functionstr, one of [‘step’, ‘sin’, ‘cos’, ‘half_sin’, ‘half_cos’]
name of function that defines changing metabolite concentration
- amplitudefloat
amplitude of the function in mmol
- periodfloat
duration of the function period in hr
- phasefloat
horizontal phase of the period (hr)
- offsetfloat
vertical offset of the function (mmol)
- set_metabolite_diffusion(diffusion_constant: float)
sets the default diffusion constant for all metabolites
Specific diffusion constants can be set subsequent to setting this.
- diffusion_constantfloat
the diffusion constant, in cm2 / s, that all metabolites use
- set_models_pairs_frictions(pairs_frictions: list)
sets the values of the friction paremeters between the organisms and substrate
- modelint
the order of the model
- locationtuple
the (x, y) location of the fixed metabolite amount. x, y are int
- amountfloat
the amount, in mmol, that is in each box at each time step
- set_models_substrate_frictions(friction: list)
sets the values of the friction paremeters between the organisms and substrate
- modelint
the order of the model
- locationtuple
the (x, y) location of the fixed metabolite amount. x, y are int
- amountfloat
the amount, in mmol, that is in each box at each time step
- set_region_map(region_map: array)
set a region_map dictating different regions in a spatial simulation
COMETS can have different regions with different substrate diffusivities and frictions. Here, you set the map defining the regions. Specifically, you provide either: 1) a numpy array whose shape == layout.grid, or 2) a list of lists whose first length is grid[0] and second len is grid[1]
Populating these objects should be integer values, beginning at 1 and incrementing only, that define the different grid areas. These are intimately connected to region_parameters, which are set with layout.set_region_parameters()
- region_mapnumpy.array(int) or list(list)
a 2d array of size layout.grid containing integers, or a list of lists which can be coerced to an integer array using np.array()
see set_region_parameters for an example
- set_region_parameters(region: int, diffusion: list, friction: float)
set regions-specific diffusion and friction values
COMETS can have different regions with different substrate diffusivities and frictions. Here, you set those parameters.
This does not affect a simulation unless a region map is also set, using the layout.set_region_map() function.
- regionint
the region (set by set_region_map) that uses the other parameters
- diffusionlist(float)
a list containing diffusion constants (cm2/s) for each metabolite
- frictionfloat
a single value for the friction observed in this region
>>> # this example assumes you have already created a cometspy model >>> # called "e" and have imported cometspy as c and numpy as np >>> # Here we are making a 2x2 world with two regions in which region >>> # 1 metabolites have diffusion constant 1.e-6 cm2/s and in region >>> # 2 metabolites have diffusion constant 1.e-7 cm2/s, and in both >>> # cases mets have default friction constant 1. >>> l = c.layout([e]) >>> l.grid = [2,2] >>> region_map = np.array([[1, 1], [2, 2]], dtype = int) >>> l.set_region_map(region_map) >>> n_mets = length( # how many metabolites there are >>> l.set_region_parameters(1, [1.e-6] * n_mets, 1.) >>> l.set_region_parameters(1, [1.e-7] * n_mets, 1.)
- set_specific_metabolite(met: str, amount: float, static: bool = False)
sets the initial (or constant) value for a metabolite across space
This is the most common way to set a metabolite concentration. It sets the initial value of the named metabolite to ‘amount’ in every location. Optionally, if static = True, this concentration is fixed during the simulation.
- metstr
name of the metabolite
- amountfloat
initial value for the metabolite in each box, in mmol
- staticbool, optional
DEFAULT = False. If True, the ‘amount’ is fixed over time.
>>> l = c.layout([model]) >>> l.set_specific_metabolite("glc__D_e", 0.005) >>> l.set_specific_metabolite("o2_e", 15, static = True) >>> # a common thing to do is populate this from the cobra model, as >>> # shown here: >>> import cobra.test >>> import cometspy as c >>> cobra_model = cobra.test.create_test_model("textbook") >>> model = c.model(cobra_model) >>> model.open_exchanges() >>> l = c.layout([model]) >>> for key, value in cobra_model.medium.items(): >>> l.set_specific_metabolite(key[3:], value)
- set_specific_metabolite_at_location(met: str, location: tuple, amount: float)
set an initial value of a metabolite at a specific spatial location
In contrast to set_specific_metabolite, which sets initial values universally over space, this method sets a specific metabolite initial value at one location only.
- metstr
name of the metabolite
- locationtuple
a tuple of integers specifying a specific location, e.g. (3,2)
- amountfloat
the initial value for the metabolite at the location, in mmol
>>> l = c.layout([model]) >>> l.grid = [10,1] >>> l.set_specific_metabolite_at_location("glc__D_e", (9,0), 0.005)
Remember that COMETS locations are zero-ordered.
- set_specific_metabolite_diffusion(met: str, diffusion_constant: float)
sets the diffusion constant of a specific metabolite
- metstr
name of the metabolite
- diffusion_constantfloat
the diffusion constant, in cm2/s, of the named metabolite
>>> l = c.layout([m]) >>> l.set_specific_metabolite_diffusion("ac_e", 5.2e-6) >>> l.set_specific_metabolite_diffusion("gal_e", 4.e-6)
- set_specific_refresh(met: str, amount: float)
set the amount to increment a metabolite continuously through time
metabolites can be “refreshed” or “dripped in” during a COMETS simulation. This sets the amount added each hour, which is divided up by the number of time steps. It applies that refresh to all boxes in space.
- metstr
name of the metabolite refreshed
- amountfloat
the amount added to (or subtracted from) each box, in mmol / hr.
- set_specific_refresh_at_location(met: str, location: tuple, amount: float)
sets the amount to adjust a metabolite at a specific location in time
Like set_specific_refresh, but for a specific lacation. This Method is used to specify how much a metabolite is increased (or decreased) each hour in a specific location.
- metstr
the name of the metabolite
- locationtuple
the (x, y) location to adjust, with x and y of type int
- amountfloat
the amount added to (or subtracted from) the box, in mmol / hr
- set_specific_static(met: str, amount: float)
sets a metabolite to a fixed value in every location
- metstr
name of the metabolite
- amountfloat
the amount, in mmol, that is in each box at each time step
- set_specific_static_at_location(met: str, location: tuple, amount: float)
sets a metabolite to a fixed value at a specific location
- metstr
name of the metabolite
- locationtuple
the (x, y) location of the fixed metabolite amount. x, y are int
- amountfloat
the amount, in mmol, that is in each box at each time step
- update_models()
updates layout properties when models are added / removed
This is usually just called internally. However, if you manually change layout.models, then this method should be called to make other necessary changes.
- write_layout(working_dir: str, to_append='')
writes just the COMETS layout file to the supplied path
- working_dirstr
the path to the directory where .current_layout will be written
- write_model_files(working_dir='')
writes each model file
- write_necessary_files(working_dir: str, to_append='')
writes the layout and the model files to file
This method is called by Alternatively it may be called directly if one wishes to inspect comets layout and model files.
A path must be specified if called directly.
Note: the layout file will be called “.current_layout” and therefore be hidden from file browsers by default.
- working_dirstr,
The directory where the files will be written.
- to_appendstr,
String to append to written filenames
cometspy.model module
- class cometspy.model.model(model: Model = None, randomtag: bool = False)
a COMETS metabolic model to use in a layout
A model contains information including the stoichiometric matrix, reaction boundaries and Michaelis-Menten parameters, founder populations, and various attributes related to motion in space.
A model is usually initiated by supplying a cobrapy model, and to be used in a COMETS simulation must minimally be given an initial population:
- modelcobra.Model or str, optional
Either a cobrapy Model, a path to a .cmd COMETS model, a path to a cobra sbml model which could be loaded with or None.
- initial_poplist
list of lists of spatial founder pops. e.g.[[x, y, grams], [x,y,grams]]
- idstr
the name of the model. should be unique.
- reactionspandas.DataFrame
DataFrame containing reaction information including boundaries.
- smatpandas.DataFrame
DataFrame containing the stoichiometric matrix
- metabolitespandas.DataFrame
single-column DataFrame containing the names of the metabolites
- signalspandas.Dataframe
DataFrame on reactions whose bounds depend on metabolite concentrations
- default_vmaxfloat
default uptake vmax in mmol / gDW /hr for Michaelis-Menten kinetics
- default_kmfloat
default half-max metabolite concentration (M) for M-M kinetics
- default_hillfloat
default hill coefficient for hill-like uptake kinetics
- default_boundslist
list of two floats that are the default lower and upper reaction bounds
- obj_stylestr
- optimizerstr
one of “GUROBI” or “GLPK”. not all functionality works with GLPK
>>> import cobra.test >>> import cometspy as c >>> ecoli = cobra.test.create_test_model("ecoli") >>> model = c.model(ecoli) >>> model.initial_pop = [0, 0, 1.e-12] # puts 1.e-12 gDW of biomass at 0,0 >>> print( iJO1366
- add_convection_parameters(packedDensity: float = 1.0, elasticModulus: float = 1.0, frictionConstant: float = 1.0, convDiffConstant: float = 1.0)
sets the parameters for biomass spread to use convection
This also requires one set the biomassMotionStyle to ‘Convection 2D’ in the comets.params object (see Example)
packedDensity : float, optional elasticModulus : float, optional frictionConstant : float, optional convDiffConstant : float, optional
import cobra.test import cometspy as c model = c.model(cobra.test.create_test_model(“ecoli”)) model.add_convection_parameters(1., 0.5, 2., 10.e-5) params = c.params() params.set_param(“biomassMotionStyle”, “Convection 2D”)
- add_light(reaction: str, abs_coefficient: float, abs_base: float)
Causes a reaction to function in response to light
- reactionstr
the name of the reaction affected
- abs_coefficientfloat
the absorption coefficient
- abs_basefloat
absorption baseline
- add_multitoxin(rxn_num, exch_ids, bound, vmax, kms, hills)
Adds a signaling relationship where >= 1 signal close a bound
This incorporates a hill-function reduction of (usually) an upper bound It is useful for incorporating multiple, additively-functioning signals.
bound = vmax * MULT((km_i^h_i) / (km_i^h_i + M_i^h_i)) where MULT is a multiplicative function, M_i is the molarity of the metabolite in the given exch_id, and km_i and h_i are the km and h for for that signal.
- rxn_numint
number of the affected reaction
- exch_idslist[int]
exchange numbers of the signals
- boundstr
“ub” or “lb”
- vmaxfloat
maximum bound in absence of signals
- kmslist[float]
kms for the signals
- hillslist[float]
hill coefficients for the signals
- add_multspecies_convmodel_parameters(pressureKappa: float, pressureExponent: float, packBiomass: float, maxPressure: float)
- add_neutral_drift_parameter(neutralDriftSigma)
sets the neutralDriftSigma parameter
- add_noise_variance_parameter(noiseVariance: float)
sets the noise variance parameter
noiseVariance : float
- add_nonlinear_diffusion_parameters(zero: float = 1.0, n: float = 1.0, exponent: float = 1.0, hilln: float = 10.0, hillk: float = 0.9)
sets the model to use non-linear diffusion biomass spread.
This also requires one set the biomassMotionStyle to ‘ConvNonlin Diffusion 2D’ in the comets.params object (see Example)
zero : float, optional n : float, optional exponent : float, optional hilln : float, optional hillk : float, optional
>>> import cobra.test >>> import cometspy as c >>> model = c.model(cobra.test.create_test_model("ecoli")) >>> model.add_nonlinear_diffusion_parameters(1., 1., 2., 5., 0.5) >>> params = c.params() >>> params.set_param("biomassMotionStyle", "ConvNonlin Diffusion 2D")
- add_signal(rxn_num, exch_id, bound, function, parms)
adds a signal to the reaction rxn_num that changes bounds
- rxn_numint or ‘death’
reaction affected (int) or whether the signal causes death ‘death’
- exch_idint
the number of the exchange reaction. see model.metabolites
- boundstr ‘ub’ or ‘lb’
specifies whether the upper or lower bound is affected
- functionstr ‘linear’ or ‘bounded_linear’ or ‘generalized_logistic’
specifies the function relating the metabolite conc. to the bound
- parmslist (float)
a list of floats for the function
- change_bounds(reaction: str, lower_bound: float, upper_bound: float)
changes the bounds of the specified reaction
- reactionstr
the name of the reaction
- lower_boundfloat
the new value of the reaction’s lower bound in mmol / gDW / hr
- upper_boundfloat
the new value of the reaction’s upper bound in mmol / gDW / hr
- change_hill(reaction, hill)
changes the hill coefficient of the specified reaction.
- reactionstr
the name of the reaction
- hillfloat
the new hill coef. for the reaction, for Hill-like kinetics
- change_km(reaction, km)
changes the km of the specified reaction.
- reactionstr
the name of the reaction
- kmfloat
the new km value for the reaction, for Monod (Michaelis-Menten) kinetics
- change_optimizer(optimizer)
changes the optimizer to a specified one.
- optimizerstr
the name of the optimizer
- change_vmax(reaction: str, vmax: float)
changes the vmax of the specified reaction.
- reactionstr
the name of the reaction
- vmaxfloat
the new vmax value for the reaction, for Monod (Michaelis-Menten) kinetics
- delete_comets_model(working_dir=None)
deletes a file version of this model if it exists.
- working_dirstr, optional
the directory where the comets model file exists
- ensure_sinks_are_not_exchanges(suffix: str = '_c')
set exchange reactions ending in suffix (default = ‘_c’) to sink
- suffixstr, optional
the suffix to look for in exchange reactions. default = ‘_c’
- get_bounds(reaction: str) tuple
returns a tuple (lb, ub) for the specified reaction
- reactionstr
the name of the reaction
- get_exchange_metabolites() list
returns a list of the names of the exchange metabolites
- get_reaction_names() list
returns a list of reaction names
- load_cobra_model(curr_m: Model, randomtag: bool = False)
creates the COMETS model from the supplied cobra model
This is usually used internally when creating a COMETS model.
- curr_mcobra.Model
the cobra model object to be converted to the COMETS model object
>>> import cometspy as c >>> import cobra.test >>> ecoli = cobra.test.create_test_model('ecoli') >>> model = c.model() >>> model.load_cobra_model(ecoli)
- open_exchanges(lower_bound: float = -1000.0, upper_bound: float = 1000.0)
sets all exchange boundaries to the specifed values
This method is useful when first making a COMETS model so that medium definitions are not carried over from cobra into COMETS.
- lower_boundfloat, optional
default = -1000. in units of mmol / gDW / hr
- upper_boundfloat, optional
default = 1000. in units of mmol / gDW / hr
- read_cobra_model(path: str, randomtag: bool = False)
reads a cobra model from a file and loads it into this model
This is an alternative way to initialize a COMETS model, by supplying it with the path to a cobra model that can be read using
- pathstr
path to a cobra model in sbml format
>>> import cometspy as c >>> path_to_file = "./my_new_model.xml" >>> model = c.model() >>> model.read_cobra_model(path_to_file)
- read_comets_model(path: str, randomtag: bool = False)
an alternative way to create a COMETS model by reading from a file
This allows a user to load previously-saved COMETS models. The contents populate this object’s attributes.
- pathstr
the path to the COMETS model file
>>> import cometspy as c >>> path_to_model = "./iJO1366.cmd" # this must actually exist >>> model = c.model() >>> model.read_comets_model(path_to_model)
- write_comets_model(working_dir: str = None)
writes the COMETS model object to a file
This writes the current model object in COMETS format to file, either in the current working directory or in the directory specified by the optional parameter working_dir. It is mostly used by the comets object to run simulations, though a user may with to write these to examine directly or to save.
- working_dirstr, optional
a directory path to put COMETS files. for example “./data_files/”
cometspy.params module
- class cometspy.params.params(global_params: str = None, package_params: str = None)
object storing simulation-related and some default biological parameters
The params object is an essential object needed to start a comets simulation, along with a layout object containing models. The params object stores simulation information such as timeStep and maxCycles, as well as many default biological parameters such as defaultKm and defaultDiffC (the default metabolite diffusion constant).
All of the parameters are stored in a dictionary called ‘all_params’ and can either be adjusted directly or using set_param().
When params are written to a COMETS object for COMETS to process, two files are generated (‘.current_global’ and ‘current_package’)
- global_paramsstr, optional
optional path to an existing ‘global_params’ file to load
- package_paramsstr, optional
optional path to an existing ‘package_params’ file to load
>>> # make a params object and change two params >>> import cometspy as c >>> params = c.params() >>> params.set_param("timeStep", 0.01) # hours >>> params.set_param("spaceWidth", 0.5) # cm >>> # view all the params >>> params.show_params() >>> # access the params directly >>> params.all_params # this is a dict >>> # use a params object in a comets simulation >>> import cobra.test >>> model = c.model(cobra.test.create_test_model("textbook")) >>> model.initial_pop = [0, 0, 1.e-7] >>> model.open_exchanges() >>> layout = c.layout([model]) >>> # normally we'd now alter the media in the layout >>> layout.add_typical_trace_metabolites() >>> layout.set_specific_metabolite('lcts_e', 0.05) # mmol >>> sim = c.comets(layout, params) >>>
- all_paramsdict
contains every possible param as keys, with their value as the value
- params_unitsdict
dictionary containing the units for each possible parameter
- get_param(name: str) object
returns the value associated with the given parameter name
- namestr
the name of the parameter whose value is desired
- object
the type of object depends on the parameter requested
- set_param(name: str, value)
alters a specific parameter value
See show_params() for a list of possible parameters to adjust.
- namestr
the name of a specific parameter to change
- valuevariable
the type of the value depends on the parameter.
>>> p = cometspy.params() >>> p.set_param("writeBiomassLog", True) >>> p.set_param("maxCycles", 100) >>> p.set_param("BiomassLogRate",5) >>> p.set_param("defaultVmax", 10.24)
- show_params()
utility function to show all possible parameters and their units
- write_params(out_glb: str, out_pkg: str)
writes params data to the specified files
Usually this is only used internally, though a user could use it to pre-generate params files.
- out_glbstr
the path and name of the ‘global’ parameters file to be written
- out_pkgstr
the path and name of the ‘package’ parameters file to be written
cometspy.utils module
The utils module contains helper functions generating spatial patterns.
- cometspy.utils.chemostat(models: list, reservoir_media: dict, dilution_rate: float) tuple
helper function to let a user skip some steps when generating a chemostat
This sets relevant simulation parameters (e.g. deathRate, metaboliteDilutionRate) and layout values (e.g. refresh media) based upon a “reservoir” definition and a dilution rate.
It generates a layout that has the reservoir_media as the initial values, as well as set it to drip in / out based upon the dilution rate.
The returned layout and params can be further modified before supplying to a comets object if desired.
- modelslist(cometspy.model)
list of cometspy.model(s) with initial_pop set to use in the sim
- reservoir_mediadict
media definition with metabolite names as keys as mmol amounts as values
- dilution_ratefloat
the dilution rate of the chemostat, in 1/hr
- tuple (layout, params)
a cometspy.layout object and a cometspy.params object
>>> import cobra.test >>> import cometspy as c >>> from cometspy.utils import chemostat >>> # make a model from a cobra model, open exchange reactions, and give a pop >>> tb = cobra.test.create_test_model("textbook") >>> m = c.model(tb) >>> m.initial_pop = [0, 0, 1.e-4] >>> m.open_exchanges() >>> reservoir = {'glc__D_e' : 0.01, 'nh4_e' : 1000., 'pi_e' : 1000.} >>> layout, params = chemostat([m], reservoir, 0.1) >>> params.set_param("maxCycles", 100) >>> sim = c.comets(layout, params) >>> >>> print(sim.total_biomass)
- cometspy.utils.grow_rocks(n: int, xrange: tuple, yrange: tuple, mean_size: int) list
grows simple simulated rocks by adding random adjacent points from seeds
n number of seed points are generated first with pick_random_locations. Then, mean_size * n - n additional points are added to these seed locations. For each new point, one random location out of the set of all possible unoccupied locations next to occupied locations are chosen. Only lattice points directly to the NSEW are considered. This process is repeated until all new points are assigned. This usually results in ‘rocks’ of different shapes and sizes.
This function can be very slow (> 1 min) when n * mean_size > 2000
- nint
number of seed points to generate rocks from
- xrangetuple
x range possible, e.g. (0, 5)
- yrangetuple
y range possible, e.g. (0, 10)
- mean_sizeint
average size in lattice units of a generated rock
- list
list of all points generated including seed points
- cometspy.utils.pick_random_locations(n: int, xrange: tuple, yrange: tuple, forbidden_locs: set = {}) list
returns a list of n x,y tuples corresponding to locations in the range given
- nint
number of locations desired
- xrangetuple
the x-range (min, max) of the x range possible
- yrangetuple
the y-range (min, max) of the y range possible
- forbidden_locsset, optional
A list of tuples that cannot be chosen.
- list
a list of (x,y) values.
>>> from cometspy.utils import pick_random_locations >>> locs = pick_random_locations(3, (0, 10), (0,10)) >>> locs
Module contents
a python package for making and running COMETS simulations.
cometspy is a straight-forward python interface to the COMETS program. Use for dynamic flux-balance analysis, with multiple models, heterogenous spatio-temporal environments, and evolution.
To use this package, you must also have the actual COMETS program installed.
For more information on COMETS, see
For COMETS development, see
For development of this package, see
cometspy workflow:
models -> layout, layout + params -> comets,
>>> import cobra.test
>>> import cometspy as c
>>> # make a model from a cobra model, open exchange reactions, and give a pop
>>> tb = cobra.test.create_test_model("textbook")
>>> m = c.model(tb)
>>> m.initial_pop = [0, 0, 1.e-4]
>>> m.open_exchanges()
>>> # make a layout with the model, and give it three nutrients
>>> l = c.layout([m])
>>> l.set_specific_metabolite("glc__D_e", 0.01)
>>> l.set_specific_metabolite("nh4_e", 1000, static = True)
>>> l.set_specific_metabolite("pi_e", 1000, static = True)
>>> # make params and change one default
>>> p = c.params()
>>> p.set_param("maxCycles", 100)
>>> # make a simulation and run it!
>>> sim = c.comets(l, p)
>>> print(sim.total_biomass)
>>> # saved data objects are pandas.DataFrames, and therefore can be plotted
>>> # sim.total_biomass.plot(x = "cycle")